Automatic and real time control of invoicing


MEDIAINSPEKT is an inspection office, an independent third party, that provides detailed and indisputable reports to provide your company with a step forward.


MEDIAINSPEKT never meets media agencies, advertising sales agencies or advertising media. All the credit requests led by controls are written and established from your accountable receipts.


No cash flow from advertising space purchasing agencies, advertising sales agencies or advertising media passes through MEDIAINSPEKT's accounts.


Our unique proprietary programs provide you with a step forward and an optimised selection of supplier without any bias.


MEDIAINSPEKT's advertising expenses control offer is the only one in Europe. MEDIAINSPEKT bases its work on an exhaustive execution and invoicing control, processed by its exclusive software.

What we do

Our software tools check the key points of advertising and e-advertising space purchasing : control of execution, checking of price rates and invoicing of General Sales Terms and discounts, comparison of actual performances.

Our Teams

Most of our employees come from top tier schools and universities and have a significant experience in complex and competitive environment.

Mediainspekt Software

The MEDIAINSPEKT software controls the actual cash flow from your treasury to the media with an exhaustive invoice processing and a complete traceability.